The BEST value hire company in Southeast Queensland
Mine Spec Vehicles NOW AVAILABLE


All vehicles come fully insured the standard liability is applicable to all, but a collision damage waiver (CDW) may be taken up to reduce this. Please be aware by reducing the liability it does not waive or reduce your liability under a single vehicle incident. If you wish to reduce single-vehicle incident on certain vehicles only, please ask our staff about our Gold Cover and Premium covers.

The 4wd’s are not to be used for towing unless the “towing fee” is paid and shown on the front of the contract. Please contact our office for details.

Is available to customers who have purchased CDW. Please note this option is only available with certain vehicle categories only. Please contact our office for details.

In case of an accident, the hirer will pay the liability outstanding regardless of whom was at fault. Once the other party admits fault and Andy’s Auto Rentals have been notified in writing that they will pay the full amount, then the liability will be refunded. If the hirer is at fault no refund will be given. All outstanding monies for liability must be paid at the conclusion of the hire.

All accidents are to be reported to the Police immediately. Ensure all details of third parties are recorded at the scene. Report to Andy’s Auto Rentals immediately. Accident report forms can be found in the glove compartment and must be filled out and returned to Andy’s Auto Rentals within 24 Hours. Failure to do so could void all or part of insurance coverage. Do not admit liability. Our staff will assist with any difficulties.

Bodies and underbodies are not covered by insurance unless the vehicle is involved in a multi-vehicle collision unless otherwise stated on the rental agreement. If damaged in a single vehicle incident with no other registered vehicles involved (Example: Drive under any object lower than the vehicle height, impact trees, buildings, awning etc, Damage under body or any other damages) the full costs incurred to the vehicle and other property will be at the expense of the hirer/renter. All hirers of trucks and buses must hold the appropriate licence. It is the responsibility of hirer to maintain any logbook activity required.

Please contact our office for details.

When towing it is the hirer’s responsibility to have the towed trailer insured, any damage caused by the trailer, to either the tow vehicle, the trailer, any third-party property or personal injury will be the sole responsibility of the hirer. If you intend to tow using one of our vehicles, you must have written approval from Andy’s Auto Rentals and the towing fee must be paid and shown on the face of the contract. Please contact our office for details.

Single vehicle incidents by example are those that do not involve another registered vehicle and would include but not limited to, any overhead damage, undercarriage damage, collision with animals, water, hail damage, abuse or negligence however caused is at the hirer’s risk and is not covered by C.D.W. and the hirer’s liability will revert to the standard liability, providing no other exclusion terms on the contract have been broken. In the event of a single vehicle accident, no replacement vehicle will be provided, and the hirer will be responsible for themselves from that point and there will be no refund of any monies in regards to the unused portion of the hire period.